Environmental Product Declarations

Environmental Product Declarations

Accredited EPDs to support your sustainable infrastructure projects

Asphalt Reinforcement EPDs

With our Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for asphalt reinforcements, we offer detailed environmental insights spanning the entire product life cycle. Empowering informed decisions, our EPDs can be easily integrated into life cycle assessments and facilitate straightforward comparisons among products or services sharing similar functions, ensuring your choices align with sustainability goals.

Third Party Verification

We take pride in the credibility of our Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), independently verified by the esteemed Institut Bauen und Umwelt e. V. (IBU). Renowned for its dedication to sustainable construction practices, IBU's involvement in verifying and publishing our EPDs reaffirms our commitment to transparency and environmental responsibility. IBU are internationally recognised through mutual agreements with a host of other programme holders in the EPD sector. Partnering with IBU underscores our dedication to providing reliable data and contributing to the advancement of sustainable building practices.

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  • Über Simpson Strong-Tie®

    Seit 2012 ist S&P eine Tochtergesellschaft von Simpson Strong-Tie, einem internationalen Bauzulieferer mit Sitz in Kalifornien und mehreren Niederlassungen in Europa.

    Das Unternehmen verpflichtet sich dem Erfolg des Kunden und bietet höchste Produkt- und Dienstleistungsqualität von der Entwicklung bis zur Unterstützung vor Ort.

SIMPSON Strong-Tie

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